Gaziray Depot Area, Electrification and Signalling Systems Construction Work

  • This project includes the design, supply and installation, testing and commissioning of the signalling and electrification-catenary systems at the depot site and integration with the Gaziray line.

  • The following systems are included in the scope of the project for electrification systems:

  • Steel catenary masts, H profile (141 pieces)
  • Construction of foundations of the catenary poles and anchorages

  • Contact wire, 120 mm2, CuAg 0,1 (11 km)

  • Messenger Wire 70 Bz II (7,8 km)

  • Return Conductor OSTRICH 176,9 mm2 Al/St

  • Feeder conductors

  • Cantilevers (made of aluminium pipes)

  • Section isolators

  • Disconnectors, circuit breakers, protection devices

  • Catenary control devices

  • Scada System
  • All catenary materials and accessories, including

  • Energy safety system

  • Catenary connection materials and accessories
  • The following systems are included in the scope of the project for signalling systems:

  • Depot Interlocking System

  • 15 Local Control Desks managing the depot line

  • Point Machine, Locking and Detection Systems (27 Point Machine)

  • Point Heating System

  • Audio Frequency Track Circuits
  • LED Signals (38 sets)

  • Power Supply Systems, Uninterruptible Power Supplies

  • Fibreoptic Transmission and Telephone Communication Systems