About Us

Elsitel adds value to transport projects starting from planning and design stage and all through project management, execution, material provision, interface management, system integration, installation, test & commissioning, operation and maintenance phases.

Elsitel also utilizes its knowledge in the process of undertaking and construction as well as its advanced workforce to develop technological products that are able to meet the expectations. Elsitel does not only substitute imported products with its creative products and solutions such as railway signal lamp and alphanumeric signal, switch point heater system, passenger information system, Scada software, diagnostic systems through current control but it also develops competitive products in terms of technology and price in foreign markets.
With its qualified technical staff experienced in signalling,
electrification and communication systems; ELSITEL also develops domestic value-added products.

With its experienced staff, Elsitel carries out:
  • Commitment / Implementation

  • System Solutions

  • Engineering Services

  • Project Management

  • Rail Systems Material Manufacturing

  • Developing Customer-Oriented Innovative Products

  • Application / Assembly

  • Maintenance and Repair Services

operates in its fields.

From its central ofiice in Ankara, Elsitel has acquired an international dimension with its branches in Jeddah, Tbilisi and Sofia; with its professional staff, it has expanded to becoming one of the industry’s strongest players.


As ELSITEL Elektromekanik Insaat Proje Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S.; our purpose is to meet the needs and expectations of our customers at the maximum level within the ethical and legal framework in the transportation industry with the products and services that are capable to compete in both national and international markets. We conduct all of our processes with a lawful, responsible and accountable sense of rule and managing our risks.

We manage our Integrated Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environmental Management System policy with the applicable objectives. We are committed to continuously improving our management system by creating values with our stakeholders and raising occupational health and safety, quality and environmental awareness of our employees and providing proper resources as well as by means of effective inspections.

Principles of our Integrated Management System

Occupational Health and Safety:

  • Manage the risks,identify the health and safety hazards, and keep the risks under control,
  • Make the working environment safe and protect the health of our employees,
  • Ensure that our employees adopt the sustainable “OHS Culture”, raise their awareness and participation.


  • Spread customer orientation organization-wide by means of effective communication,
  • Produce highly efficient, long lasting and sustainable solutions in our activities.


  • Use our natural resources effectively,
  • Continuously assess our environmental aspects and eliminate or minimize our negative environmental impacts,

  • Continuously increase our environmental performance

Please contact with us by using info@elsitel.com.tr for your all opinions or suggestions.