CCTV System Project in order to monitor critical points and art structures on Polatli – Konya YHT line section from the center

  • It is aimed to monitor and record the images of critical areas in the Polatli-Konya YHT line section and real-time measurements made with wind sensors by transmitting them to the Main Monitoring Centre; to detect situations that may endanger the traffic with image processing and alarm software, to visually warn the operator in the centre, to develop fast and effective measures against possible negativities and to maintain railway traffic safely.

  • As the main contractor, Elsitel has designed, supplied and installed the following systems for the monitoring of technical buildings, substations, leu buildings, bridges, tunnels, viaducts, splits, neutral post buildings, overpasses, underpasses and other critical points along the line.

  • Installation of transmission system: the backbone infrastructure includes DWDM technology.
  • Installation of Server-Storage and Monitoring System
  • Cable installation works
  • Installation of camera posts
  • Installation of cameras, spot and wind sensors